Advertising Gifts

Advertising Gifts

The most complete set of gifts with over 217 categories in Iran is not merely a claim. Nowadays‚ Tram has achieved this goal and is able to allege that it is able to meet every one ’s tastes with any financial level all over the country. Offering an advertisement gift to a customer and thank and respect them are one of the Most important factors for attracting customers. If such a technique is conducted Properly then it can be considered a very important factor in keeping the product or service of a company in mind. Proper selection and its conformity to addressees will have a deep and persistent effect. Diversity and novelty of gifts are of high importance. Global statistics quoted by New York Greater Advertisement Association presented a very interesting result: 83 percent of people use advertisement gifts. 94 percent of them are satisfied with the receipt of these gifts. 94 percent of people become optimistic about advertisers. Towards this end‚and considering incessant needs of institutes and companies‚Tram’s large consortium always conducts research‚ plans‚ receives new ideas and tries to produce new products or exclusive gifts for companies.